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AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in Mercado Abierto de Capital Radio 11-11-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Manging Partner of ‘Advice Strategic Consultants’ speaks about the first meeting between Obama and Trump after the US elections.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in ‘Mercado Abierto’ by ‘Capital Radio’ 28-10-2016
Jorge Diaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants explains why the US elections are held on Tuesday.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in ‘Mercado Abierto’ by ‘Capital Radio’ 14-10-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants talks about the US GDP, which is closely related to Christmas shopping.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel en ‘Mercado Abierto’ by ‘Capital Radio’ 07-10-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants explains how is the US electoral system at less than a month away from presidential elections.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in ‘Mercado Abierto’ by ‘Capital Radio’ 31-08-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants, speaks about the meeting of the president of Mexico, Peña Nieto and the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel en Mercado Abierto de Capital Radio 22-07-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants, speaks about Donald Trump and the republican party.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in Mercado Abierto by ‘Capital Radio’ 01-07-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants, speaks about party on July 4 in US and the rise of Donald Trump.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in Mercado Abierto by ‘Capital Radio’ 03-06-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants, speaks about the bad data of employment in the USA.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in ‘Mercado Abierto’ by ‘Capital Radio’ 08-04-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants, speaks about the succession in Telefónica company.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in ‘Mercado Abierto’ by ‘Capital Radio’ 18-03-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants, explains how Donald Trump is becoming in a slogan of U.S. and comment the travel of Barack Obama to Cuba.
AUDIO: Jorge Díaz-Cardiel in ‘Mercado Abierto’ by ‘Capital Radio’ 19-02-2016
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel, Managing Partner of Advice Strategic Consultants, explains the importance of the upcoming visit of Barack Obama to Cuba.