ADVICE has a 360 degree approach to client service, always in the field of data-based consultancy that seeks to stimulate and improve our clients businesses and drive sales.
Our consultancy takes into account the track record of the company, going back at least six or seven years prior to the start date of the project. It incorporates the value and contribution to the business and business success provided by the company leader.
We study each client company in the world economic context, in the economic context of their region (Eurozone-BRIC Emerging, etc) and their country. We consider its industry and competition. We care about the company´s perception held by all its stakeholders, internal and external. We identify no less than 25 business success parameters, which we study and further submit for judgment to the experts in the field who are also knowledgeable on the company.
We analyze what the media (press, radio, TV and Internet) says about the client company, because they affect, by 90% in how the company is perceived. We know that companies are not-or should not be isolated compartments, so we work with the top management of the company, members of the managing committee and all the different department directors whose collaboration and input are relevant to the success of our project.
We distinguish between the research phase, fieldwork, statistics, predictive econometrics, the study of raw data, the elaboration of reports with Insights, SWOT analysis, recommendations, and action plans. We get to the level of detail the client wants us to get.
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