Archive for 'Homepage Slider'

In economics, business and politics,  it is necessary to have information tools that allow us to anticipate what will happen. This way, entrepreneurs and managers will be able to make informed decisions to successfully achieve their business objectives. Our goal, in ADVICE,  is to provide those predictive instruments.

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With the crisis, the business consultancy based in data is more necessary than ever. Until 2022 the world will live in an environment of economic uncertainty. There have been companies that, between 2007 and 2012 have used data-based shared consultancy tools in order to reduce costs. This effort has been useless. Every industry and company has its own needs. Consultancy provided by ADVICE  is always ad-hoc for each client and at a more competitive price than any multiclient study can ...

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Business excellence is accessible to anyone who is willing to train continuously. At the speed in which business happens today, to train every day is much like starting over each morning. In ADVICE, we accompany our clients in this process of constant training, continuous, always ad-hoc and adjusted to each client´s and person´s needs.

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In a global and economically interconnected world, with the explosion of the Internet and the social networks, companies can’t anymore ignore these factors when making their business plans. It is a too new and unknown world,  but sailing in the company of trusted partners, anticipates and cancels risks and converts them into business opportunities, squeezing and maximizing the Web potential, with profitable business models.

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We live in an organized world , with all kinds of institutions that make decisions in different areas of life affecting  7 billion people on the planet. For a company, national or multinational, having good institutional relations is an open door to getting the license to operate freely. ADVICE helps clients to have excellent institutional relations, allowing them to improve their P&L and reputation.

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