After five years of economic crisis , people ‘s confidence in the political and economic system appears severely undermined . The distance between society and its institutions is becoming increasingly apparent. A restraining , however , is not between the general population and large enterprises . This study highlights the business Successful of Advice Strategic Consultants , which gives large companies the ability to build bridges between society and its institutions, its strong relationship of closeness with the general population .
Advice The study is based on the theory expressed in Business Success book , with or without seizures (LID Editorial, 2012), Jorge Díaz-Cardiel , economist and sociologist who is managing partner of the consulting firm. It is a comprehensive research study of 10 years of empirical , conducted every six months , among the top 200 Spanish companies . ” The fact that they collected five years of crisis and five years prior to the crisis gives more strength to the results ,” said Jorge Díaz-Cardiel . ” We measure success of companies across 25 parameters , is a measure of how they are doing business and how they are perceived ,” said Diaz Cardiel .
The report has now come to be an update of the previous study ( field work was conducted in the second half of March ) and he wanted to give a voice to the general population , compared to schools of thought that say that only experts can comment on economic and business issues . ” Ordinary people want to say : we vote , we buy and we want our voices heard and that businesses know what we think of them . Furthermore , since we are consumers or customers , it is likely that the companies also want to know what the Spanish general population thinks about them , “says the managing partner of Advice.
The study highlights the link between big business – in all economic sectors and the general population remains strong and there are companies with great proximity and familiarity with the citizen. Some are companies of all life and others are newer , but are embedded in our daily all . That link is produced by information / news, whose channels are , first, the news about them appear in print, radio and television , past advertising campaigns and what they can be read online . Less importance is given to the type of economic activity and the activities and projects they sponsor.
The familiarity index ( percentage of people who claim to know very well or fairly well to each company ) is headed by Telefónica with 87 % , a company that is known for 100% of respondents , followed by El Corte Inglés and Mercadona , with 86% ( 98 % awareness ) . The index is completed , in this order : Zara / Inditex , Repsol , Iberia , Endesa , Banco Santander , BBVA, Iberdrola , La Caixa , Vodafone , Gas Natural Fenosa , Auchan and Cepsa , given that the court has been established in the 70 % ( only companies very close to more than 7 in 10 Spanish or knowledge resident in Spain and 90% or more ) .
The general population identifies the parameters of business success in the treatment and customer service , quality of products and services, the respect for the environment , be relevant to the economy of Spain and investment or social commitment . Thus, for the Spanish , corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) is much more than social action or contribution to society . It is vital and a symptom of business success for the general population when translated in creating or maintaining employment , commitment to quality products and services , invest in innovation and respects the environment. Here the ranking is headed by CaixaBank , followed by Mercadona and Zara , a complete list Telefónica , Iberdrola , El Corte Ingles, Repsol , Santander, Endesa , BBVA, Bankia , Carrefour , Coca -Cola , Gas Natural Fenosa and Eroski .
Previously published in CincoDías.
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