
Cellnex Telecom, European leader in infrastructure management of Telecommunications and Digital Summit

10/7/2018 – Article published previously in the blog “USA. And Emerging Markets “of CincoDí

Unlike other congresses, especially those dedicated to digital transformation, Digital Summit, which brings together market leaders from the new economy such as Cellnex Telecom – the pretty “girl” of the IBEX-35: it accumulates a rise of 56 per year one hundred versus a decrease of the same index of 14 percent – European leader in telecommunications infrastructure management, this congress is organized in such a way ...

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The Italian economic and financial crisis is profound, as the bonds and the exchanges know

13/6/2018 – Article published previously in the blog “USA. And Emerging Markets “of CincoDí

The political crisis in Italy is shaking the financial markets. The suggestion of the Five Star Movement and the Northern League of wanting to leave the euro has shaken the minds and hearts of investors this June 2018.

Financial markets do not like uncertainty. Thanks to the politicians of Italy, in recent days they have had a lot of insecurity. The previous month, May, the stock markets ...

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Populist government in Italy I: Immigration and Contradictions

12/6/2018 – Article published previously in the blog “USA. And Emerging Markets “of CincoDí

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said last week that his new government is “proudly populist and anti-system”, as he outlined a radical, though not specific, vision to review his immigration system, renegotiate his relationship with Europe and get closer to Russia. On immigration, Spain has just lent a hand to Italy, hosting 600 from Libya that, on June 12, 2018, the government formed by a party ...

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Facebook uses millions of Instagram photos to build Artificial Intelligence

18/5/2018 – Article published previously in the blog “USA. And Emerging Markets “of CincoDí

Facebook is using billions of Instagram images to form artificial intelligence algorithms. Our photos help the Facebook software to learn to see how humans do it.

Our Instagram photos are helping Facebook generate its artificial intelligence algorithms to better understand image objects, Mark Zuckerberg announced at its annual F8 Developer Conference. Facebook says the approach, which selects images from publicly available hashtags, is a way to gather ...

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Telefónica, world leader in M2M, Connectivity and IoT, according to Gartner (Magic Quadrant)

12/3/2018 – Article published previously in the blog “USA. And Emerging Markets “of CincoDí

Telefónica is the world leader in M2M, Connectivity and IoT, according to Gartner

Telefónica takes advantage of its strong direct presence in Europe and Latin America to develop its managed M2M services business and is distinguished in the market by the aggressive marketing and sale of managed M2M solutions. Of all the Global Digital Telcos in this Gartner Magic Quadrant study, Telefónica maintains the highest percentage of ...

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