
Jorge Díaz-Cardiel has a new blog on Cinco Días

Our partner Jorge Díaz-Cardiel,  becomes a regular contributor to the business daily Cinco Dias, through a blog where he will share his knowledge about the United States and the emerging countries.

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The mistery of China

—Google translation—

In his groundbreaking Nations (2012, Norton), Ruchir Sharma explains what the country-more-economically succeed in the coming decades. China’s growth will slow, as in 2012, after the economic and financial growth most spectacular ever seen by mankind in its history (Niall Gerguson in Civilization, 2012, Allen Lane). Advised to travel to emerging countries to meet and eliminate stereotypes. Sharma has-successfully-in BRIC countries, between 1992 and 2012: Ruchir Sharma manages 25,000 million dollars in emerging markets for investment management division of ...

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China 2060, Rise and Fall

—Google translation—

I review the economic forecasts for the world, the OECD and the IMF. The contrast with the major global banks: Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Santander, La Caixa, Banco Sabadell.

It is striking that, more and more intense, many economic forecasts used econometrics. Is it necessary to anticipate and predict the future economic, business and life of families and individuals. Obvious that the estimates are very long-term vocation. This is sensible: we know that the next decade (2013-2023), for the West and ...

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2013-2023, decade of economic stagnation for Spain

—Google translation—

The latest economic forecasts of the International Monetary Fund and OECD are very consistent. Both indicate that Spain started in 2013 a decade of economic stagnation. The first five years, Spain will see how the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to decrease and the unemployment rate continues to rise.

Only in 2013 we expect a million more unemployed. The unemployment rate, as a percentage of the active population (Labour Force Survey data or EPA) raise two points. The source of ...

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Our Firm

Nuestra Firma

Advice Strategic Consultants is a business and economic consulting firm, that by using data and predictive econometrics, aims to help its clients succeed.

The firm, which has only senior consultants-understood as those with more than twenty years of professional experience, was founded by its managing partner, Jorge Diaz-Cardiel, in June 2009, after dedicating three decades to managing multinational companies in Spain.

Headquartered in Madrid, Advice Strategic Consultants professionals are economists, lawyers, sociologists, and journalists with professional experience in management and business management. ...

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