Archive for 'Blog Advice'

Regulation in Telecommunications and Information Society

February 16th, 2015 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets” CincoDí

According Competitiveness Ranking of World Economic Forum (2013 and 2014), the development of telecommunications is one of the essential pillars for building the knowledge economy. Telecommunications are the substrate on which the economic, business and social building, which reached its height when enables the Information Technology SMEs -to reach them more productive and competitivas- and the general population, is constructed so that is more connected ...

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Distribution, internal demand and social contribution

February 11th, 2015 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets” CincoDí

The sources of economic information that we meet during 2015 match in improving macroeconomic forecasts for Spain for 2015 and 2016. Among others, are the IMF, the European Commission and the OECD, among international. The most relevant Spanish as La Caixa Research, BBVA and Santander are also more optimistic. The Government, more cautious, wait for the end of April to update the macroeconomic picture sent ...

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Economic and political challenges US at the end of the Obama era

January 16th, 2015 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets” CincoDí

In 2015 the end of the Obama era begins. This always happens in the last two years of the second term of an American president. Especially if, as usual, the legislature is of opposite sign, indicating that run new times and that the population is in need of a change. Obama himself has said on occasion: “In 2008, I was fresh news. Now I am ...

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2015 and the future of the US economy

January 16th, 2015 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets” CincoDí

The United States has completed 2014 with an annual growth of 5%. In terms of GDP. Domestic consumption, investment, exports have contributed strongly: both domestic demand and external demand.

The World Bank, as other international institutions: IMF, OECD, European Commission predicts in its report of January 2015, the United States will be the main engine of global economic growth. The Economist and Business Week, December 2014, ...

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China Economy: Since Hu Jintao´s harmony to Xi Jinping´s dilemma

3rd October, 2014 – Article previously published in

XiJinping ascended to the General Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (March 2013) promised a program of reforms, to continue to grow the economy. Not that his electoral promise and had to be accountable to the voters. His commitment was to the two pillars that guarantee stability in a country of 1500 million people, the Communist Party and the Army. However, a wide divergence between these ...

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