Posts Tagged 'Obama'

Elections in USA: National Security and International Political Economy

September 9th, 2016 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets “CincoDí

In America, they say that after the “Labor’s Day Weekend”, the last weekend, the presidential election campaign begins in earnest. In Spain, we soprende, because if our campaigns seem long, the US began in the spring of 2015. Summer has been plagued with rallies and television interviews. Previously, it had held primaries, with televised debates. In the United States the discussions have, from those who ...

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Trump overtakes Clinton in the polls: What?

September 7th, 2016 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets “CincoDí

Yesterday we said that Hillary Clinton was needed to turn 180 degrees to its electoral strategy. Today we know that for the first time, she no leads in the polls, but Trump. It is true that for a minimum difference of two points: Trump 45%, Clinton 43%, says CNN. And it is also true that methodologically, the survey leaves much to be desired: the sample ...

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G20 and economic growth: Xi Jinping-today seems Obama in 2009

5/09/2016 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets “CincoDí

In early 2009, when Obama took office as president, assumed that the United States could not, by itself out of the economic recession financial source where he was. Aware that, in his own words then, I published my book “Obama and pragmatic leadership” (Profit, 2010), “we live in a multipolar world in which no single economic or miliary power” Obama launched tackles join forces with the ...

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Economic and political challenges US at the end of the Obama era

January 16th, 2015 – Article previously published in the blog “US and emerging markets” CincoDí

In 2015 the end of the Obama era begins. This always happens in the last two years of the second term of an American president. Especially if, as usual, the legislature is of opposite sign, indicating that run new times and that the population is in need of a change. Obama himself has said on occasion: “In 2008, I was fresh news. Now I am ...

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